Monday, September 10, 2007


(Read on, some commie rhetoric, notwithstanding!)

Ganga Prasad G. Rao

In the days of past, The Hindu carried a column - a narrow one at that on its international page, mentioning the US presidential elections and how the candidates fared in the debate perhaps on its international page. There was no talk of it in the buses, offices or at the canteens. In fact, I suspect only the most minuscule minority ever cared to even read and ponder about it – and they happened to be the guys over at the Embassy!

The world now is eons removed from that a few decades back. But somethings haven't changed. Presidential debates are in the air again, but are we any less indifferent? The US, the largest economy in the world, is also the largest debtor. Incredibly, it also protects capitalism by enforcing its debt-funded military might. Military might is also 'might is right' in financial markets which it manipulates in the cover of restoring 'balance' and 'sense' to the markets to (ir)regularly draw money in to its coffers. Some strategy! But that's not all. For all we know, they may be funding their social security, their medicare, their 8-figure lawsuit damage awards, and even their beach-side resort insurance payouts from the global financial markets (why should the FDIC cover those mortgages?). Why do I suspect a grand conspiracy to offload the entire debt on the international community (along with global warming) just as the US shifts in to an environmentally virtuous, closed-cycle economy? If we do not wake up to these possibilities, there will be more sub-prime crises, more 'black Mondays', 'deny Wednesdays' and 'bilk you' Fridays.

Can we afford to not take cognizance of events in the US anymore? Shall we remain mute witnesses to the grandiose socialist plans of the democrats and the vain military campaigns of the republican Presidential hopefuls even as we swelter in the 100 degree heat and hope against hope that the stock market 'will bounce right back' (whereas the 'bears' are waiting for their 'breakfast, lunch and dinner')? Well, sure!, but at the risk of turning our country's billion heads servile to the consumptive urges of the US citizens for decades and centuries. Now, what's the word for that? Slavery! Right. Let us act before the US exports slavery behind capitalism worldwide. Let us participate actively in the presidential polls of the country that has been eulogized for acting as a global defender of freedom and capitalism. Pray, in what way? Thankfully, the Presidential debate preceding the polls is open and public. And in this world of instant internet connectivity, the global citizen may participate just as actively as an US citizen switching channels between the Presidential debate and 'Mundy Night Football' while partaking of Lays chips and guzzling down a 6-pack in the time it takes to kick a field goal! Write to the Presidential candidates. Voice your opinions, your thoughts, your fears and your hopes (Your agenda and your ideas too, if know how. Don't ask me. I either keep them private or put them on my blog). Let them know what you feel about their policies and budgetary plans. Tell them what they should do with Iraq today and Iran tomorrow (you know you are paying for it). Give them your priorities. Education vs missile defense system, million-dollars an hour insurance advocates vs uninsured, unvaccinated infants, landing on pluto's moon vs toilet facilities for tourists. $10 per hour baby-sitters vs unemployed US-trained Phds!

Don't worry about propriety. Or your vocabulary and grammar. Be an active citizen of the global commons. Stand for freedom, equality, a world without borders, (more than nuclear) peace, a sustainable economy, equal opportunity,.... the issues are many.

Take a stand. Your children will thank you for it.